New York Knights Chess Club
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Art Room
Students are not required to stay the whole time and therefore parents may choose the appropriate length of time for their participation.

Club dates
Tues, Oct 31st
No chess club for Halloween
Tues, Nov 21st
No school or chess club for Thanksgiving
Tues, Dec 12th
Chess club last day
We usually have Special chess games and treats that day.
Extra parent help is welcome!
Tues, Jan 9th
First day chess club 2024
Volunteers needed
We really need volunteers to help with the New York Knights chess club. We have had two wonderful volunteers, but they cannot always be there. Our PTA president has set up a volunteer signup sheet so that you can see when we need help and you can sign up for a date or dates that you can come. Please check the link below and sign up if you are able to come so that we will know if we have enough adults.
One of our coaches had a bicycle accident and will be out for a while, at least Thanksgiving, possibly until after winter break. Bert is recovering well, but has broken ribs and cannot get out and about.
Email Coach David for link to sign up.